History Refresh is the culmination of data sources that are first or second sources of information. The site does not participate in created or faked items in particular that deal with historical facts. The site might make, use or publish documentaries based on those facts, which might require some AI, acting, or drawings to emphasize the importance of what is being discussed, shared or reported on.
To introduce myself first, Vance Davis is my given name. I have a History Degree from Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. I have always felt that history needs to be taught as an involvement aspect instead of a rote memory exercise. So, to help in this aspect of education, discovery and exploration of our past I began this enterprise – History Refresh.
The site is focused on the movement of history from the past and its interaction with the present and the future. Several sections will process and explore current historical events and how it might tie into the past. This can and will include sports, politics, business, religious, government and even personal (in some cases) happenings.